It has been an extremely cold week out on the markets of Norfolk. Numb fingers & toes have been the order of the day, not to mention permanent hat hair!
This time of year is always particularly tough and because I had to miss so many markets in the run up to Christmas because of ice and snow, it seems winter is lasting even longer than usual. So I am glad January is only one day away from being over.
February of course brings with it Valentine's day and I have noticed the odd gentleman browsing the stall with ardent intent. One in particular at Diss made very sure the stall would be in situ every Friday, my guess is he has plans for a certain lady love. Unless he is after my pitch!
While I am talking about Valentine's day a regular lady customer also rather pointedly made a big deal of a bracelet she liked in front of her husband (she obviously has learnt over the years that subtlety never wins the day.) He asked me to put it by for him after she had left the stall and returned to buy it this week. The lady in question asked me outright if he had bothered to get it for her and cursed like a trouper when I lied that someone else had bought it (well it didn't seem right to spoil the surprise, so a small white lie can't hurt, surely?) Am sure she will be delighted (and fish all his dinners out of the bin) when she is finally presented with the bracelet.
I haven't just been working outside, some people seem to think all I do is a three day week but I also have to prepare stock and update the website with new jewellery. If you haven't already checked it out, please do
Come Easter the stall will be out again four times a week, sometimes five when there is a Sunday show. Keep an eye on this site for further details of shows we will be at..
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